Surrender Page 6
"It isn't. It's the name of the Supreme Chief of the Far Islands."
Her face cleared. “That explains it. No man here would have such a feminine sounding name."
"Saria is a female."
"But that can't be. You said Saria was Supreme Chief."
Riana tapped the computer stylus against her bottom lip. “I did, didn't I?"
"But that means..."
"Yep. The Far Islands’ leader is a woman.” She made a note on her palm computer to contact Saria about commerce between their two country-states.
"Men own women. It's impossible."
"Evidently, not all women. Not for a long time, perhaps a century or more, if the journal is accurate."
"And Gaith knew this?” Sharp hurt darkened Bryta's fine eyes.
"Maybe. I don't know. It is entirely possible he didn't. The men of Nexar believe women incapable of running a household, much less an entire country-state. To discover that the Far Islands, a land with more natural resources than Nexar, is governed by a woman would run contrary to every belief they hold dear.” Her hand slowly closed into a fist. “Darias, however, did know. I'm willing to bet the entire cargo in my ship's hold that it is the reason he refused to consider trade with the Far Islands. He couldn't trade with a woman on equal basis and keep the respect of his warriors.” Her knuckles shone white as she clenched her fist tighter. “And, more than that, he dare not let word spread that the women of the Far Islands are free."
Bryta's gaze homed in on her hand.
One finger at a time, Riana forced her hand to relax until it lay flat on the polished wood. Precisely the reason he'd come down on her so hard when she'd persisted in suggesting that he open trade with the Far Islands. He'd known she'd have seen the implications immediately.
Stubborn, stubborn man.
"What do we do now?"
Determination tightened Riana's delicate jaw. “I want this knowledge kept strictly between you and me for now. Not even Gaith is to know. As for the rest, we learn. It is a given the men will not aid us so we study the ledgers, journals and whatever else we can get our hands on. Also, I'm willing to bet you women know more about the men's goings on than you, or they, believe.” She leaned her elbows on the table, bringing her face close to Bryta's. “While you haven't been allowed to make any decisions, you've had the day to day running of your homes and, in most cases, have worked side by side with your husbands or masters in their guild businesses. At the very least, you all must have absorbed some working knowledge from your men."
She glanced about, checking to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. Everyone seemed absorbed in what was on their own computer screens. “Nexar needs outside trade. Darias saw that the economy is slowly stagnating and the drought has only made matters worse. That is why he was negotiating with Trinearia. But to be frank, I'm hesitant to continue to deal with the Northern Continent.” She hesitated, and then lowered her voice still further. “From all I've learned so far, Trinearia is even more backward in its beliefs than Nexar. They might choose to attack if they learn women are in charge. On the other hand, it's bad business to approach the Far Islands from a weakened position. We have to appear strong. If they believe we don't know what we're doing, we'll lose any advantage we might have."
Abruptly, she pushed back her chair. Riana rapped once on the polished top of the table to get the other women's attention. “All material will be made available for any woman who wishes to study it. I'd advise everyone to study it thoroughly. You and the other women are now the owners of the estates and businesses. Unless you wish to fail, you need to make yourselves familiar with the day to day running of the properties. Each woman will assume her husband's rank and responsibilities. Those without husbands, get with Bryta so she can assign rank."
From the corner of her eye, Riana saw Bryta's reaction. The other woman's eyes kept growing larger until they were in danger of popping out of her head and she grew so pale that she feared Bryta might faint.
Under the buzz of conversation, Bryta turned to Riana. “You cannot be serious.” She twisted her hands together, but Riana could still see they were shaking. “I can't do this."
"Yes, you can. Gaith was Darias’ right-hand man. You learned more from him than you think. Besides, you're smart and quick to learn. You know these women, Bryta. You know what they're capable of, what their faults are.” She rushed to finish when Bryta opened her mouth to continue her objections. “I have faith in you."
The other woman's mouth shut with an audible little snap. Her back straightened and her head came up. “You may rely on me."
"I will.” They shared a smile before Riana turned back to the Council table. “We will meet again in three days and formulate a comprehensive plan for opening negotiations with the Far Islands. Until then, ladies.” Riana walked at a sedate pace, her beloved novel under her arm and a smile on her face, until she was out of the Great Hall.
That low-down, space-sucking, son of a garbage scow. Riana stalked up the wide, winding staircase. He'd known all along that women could be more than slaves. It made her want hit something, preferably his thick skull. She felt like an utter fool.
Somehow, it'd been easier to rationalize his behavior when she believed it the legacy of a planet stuck in some barbaric past. Hah! To think she'd convinced herself that she could open his eyes and make him see women as partners rather than just slaves. Now, even her victory this afternoon was tainted. In the back of her mind, hidden even from herself, had been the desire to prove the women just as capable as the men.
A fact he already knew, but refused to admit.
No, Darias wasn't trapped by ancient customs, he clung to them with all his enormous strength and willpower.
Once in the chamber she shared with Darias, Riana crossed to the table on her side of the huge bed and tucked her book inside carefully. Closing the drawer, she pondered her next move and tried to get a hold on her temper.
Even though Darias had lost the competition, he still considered himself in charge. His attitude showed that clearly enough. What she needed was something to catch his attention, made him feel as helpless as she had. A wicked thought crossed her mind.
Dare she?
The old-fashioned bell pull on the wall caught her eye. Why not? He certainly hadn't hesitated to humiliate her. She walked over and gave it a hard tug that reflected her mood. Seconds later a servant knocked hesitantly at the door.
"Come in."
A tall brunette opened the door. “You wished for something, Supreme Chief?"
"Yes, I wish to have new clothes fashioned for my slave.” She gave a detailed description of what she wanted.
The woman's eyes got larger and larger, then began to sparkle.
"I want them delivered to my quarters by sunrise tomorrow. Can you manage that?"
"Oh, yes, ma'am.” She almost tripped over her feet backing out the door, so great was her hurry.
A dangerous smile shaped Riana's lips as she turned to double glass doors leading to the garden.
Chapter Four
Darias stopped prowling the moment Riana appeared in the secluded Punishment alcove. He almost didn't see her. A cloak covered her from throat to ankle. Only the pale flash of her face and the muted fire of her hair gave away her presence.
He couldn't prevent his low growl of rage. “End this farce. A warrior should not be Punished like a woman!"
She nodded at the two women, dismissing them as she continued her slow, deliberate pace until she was several steps inside the perimeter of the force field.
His spine stiffened as she studied him with an impassive gaze. “I see.” She tapped her bottom lip with a finger. “So what you are saying is that the men of Nexar do not honor their pledges?"
"You impugn my honor?” Outrage vied with fury, but he quelled both with much effort.
"Me? Impugn your honor?” She arched an elegant brow. “I have no need. You demonstrate quite well how highly you regard ‘your honor'."
r /> Darias inclined his head, acknowledging the hit. “I bow to your will."
"In all things?” she drawled, removing the concealing mantle and folding it carefully. Beneath she still wore the tunic and belled trousers she so hated. He was surprised she hadn't already changed into clothes from her ship.
"In all things,” he confirmed, unable to prevent a bitter twist to his lips.
"Privacy shield."
Darias started, then gritted his teeth and hoped she hadn't noticed the small, betraying movement.
She had.
"Did you believe I would forget to change the voice command?” She smiled, a slow, provocative lift of her lips. “Not on your life. Go ahead, try and see if you can deactivate it."
He remained mute, refusing to perform for her amusement.
"Ah, well. It was just a thought.” Riana placed her mantle on a bush.
The very same bush he'd thrown his over. Darias didn't miss the symbolism of the act. She strolled over to the Punishment Stone behind him. “Lights.” She stroked the seat, and then raised a delicate eyebrow at him. The command was clear.
"You seriously don't expect me to cooperate?” he growled, still furious at what he saw as a trick on her part.
"Do not take that tone with me or punishment will be that much worse.” She threw his words back at him, pure rage erasing her impassive demeanor for an instant. Almost immediately, she had herself back under control.
Darias was stunned. He'd realized she had refused to accept her status as slave and had found it difficult to adjust to Nexarian ways, but not even after her challenge this afternoon had he understood just how deep her resentment ran.
"Remove your clothes."
Darias stared at her for a long moment, honor struggling with the need to overwhelm her, take back his proper position. Honor won. Still keeping his gaze locked with hers, he kicked off his boots, then unlaced his tunic and pulled if off over his head. Tugging at the strip of leather that secured his breeches, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband and pushed them down, stepping out of them in one lithe movement. He stood there, hands held out at his side, bared for her inspection.
"My lady,” he mocked, “I hope you approve of what you see."
"Get on the Punishment Stone.” Her tone was remote, almost indifferent. If a tiny part of him had believed she wouldn't be able to carry out Punishment, that part died the moment she snapped the padded ankle cuffs closed, and drew them tight so quickly after he was flat on his back. “Place your arms above your head.” Seconds later, the wrist cuffs were in place.
Riana moved to stand between his splayed thighs.
Darias was acutely aware that she had an unobstructed view of his body. His knees were raised and his thighs spread wide, held firmly in place by the leg supports and cuffs. Thin braces of the same malleable stone cradled each cheek of his ass, leaving it accessible. He knew that no matter how much he struggled, he wouldn't be able to move.
Never had he felt so open ... so vulnerable.
Riana ran her hands up the insides of his thighs, her touch just ruffling the hair on his legs. Despite the circumstance, the light stroke of her fingers was unbelievably erotic, his body responding reflexively. Darias tried to slam his legs shut but, restrained, couldn't. “Damn it, just get it over with!"
Still with that barely-there touch, she slid her hands up, skirting his groin, skimming the muscles of his abdomen, until her hands rested on the swell of his chest muscles, the edge of her palms right below his nipples.
He shivered as the heat of her palms contrasted sharply to the cool night air caressing his body. He stared at her in the dim light. What was she thinking? Did she really intend to carry all the way through with her threat of Punishment? Darias found that not knowing the answers to the questions left him feeling unexpectedly powerless.
Was this the way she had felt when he Punished her? Darias’ heart stopped, stuttered, then began beating faster as she slid her hands the fraction of a centimeter needed to cover his nipples. Her warm palms cocooned his nipples in softness. Heat blasted his skin as she began rotating her hands gently, then faster and harder. His teeth closed on his lower lip as he fought to close his mind to the effect her touch was having on him.
Riana deserved her Punishments. She had broken Nexar's Rules. As Supreme Chief, it was up to him to maintain order. Allowing her actions to go unpunished would have invited rebellion among the women.
Punishment had incited Riana to rebellion.
Darias shook his head to clear it of the traitorous thought. He was allowing her arguments to sway his thinking. That mustn't happen. Not if he wanted to regain leadership of Nexar. He had to concentrate on finding a flaw in their bargain before his world crumbled about them. Once she accepted she couldn't win, she'd see the wisdom in their ways.
Her hands slowed, began moving in small, evocative circles. His nipples beaded in response. Darias cursed as he felt the unmistakable stirring of his sex. He gritted his teeth and willed it to go away. Spread open to her gaze as he was though, there was no way to hide his reaction. Dammit, he refused to give her the satisfaction of succumbing to Punishment.
He was a warrior. He ruled his body, he was not ruled by it.
Riana pinched his left nipple without warning. Air whistled from between his teeth and he arched against his restraints. She rolled the hard nub between her thumb and forefinger, and tugged gently. Sweat popped out on his brow when she left off her teasing and trailed her hand down his chest, to his abdomen, just below his navel. Darias tensed, unsure what Riana intended to do next. He sucked in a breath when she pulled lightly on the line of hair that led to his groin.
His cock swelled to his utter dismay.
Riana locked her gaze on his, lowered her head and engulfed the head of his cock with her mouth.
No! He would not allow her to do this to him. Closing his hands into fists, he strained against the restraints holding him. Muscles bunched and burned, the cords in his neck stretched taut, Darias fought with all of his considerable strength to rip apart his bonds.
He was a warrior. He was stronger than Riana in every way. He had complete control over himself and his world. He would not respond.
Her tongue swirled around the tiny slit that bisected the tip.
Hot. Wet. Teasing.
"No,” he groaned, furious with his body's betrayal as his hips surged upward, craving the feel of her warm cavern swallowing the entire length of his shaft. Sheer frustration tore through him as Darias found he couldn't move more than a few centimeters.
Her hair, the color of banked flame in recessed lighting of the garden, cascaded across his thighs, the mass caressing his tense muscles with tantalizing softness. He rolled his head against the stone in mute protest. How was it possible that she made him forget his vow to resist with just a few touches?
Her soft fingers cupped his balls, massaging them with an arousing gentleness.
Darias forgot his own question as she weighed each interior sphere. His eyes slid closed and his breath came raggedly from between slightly parted lips.
Cold air hitting his erection brought Darias abruptly back to awareness. “No. Don't stop,” he protested without thought. She couldn't stop, not when he was so close to coming. Never had he been so fiercely aroused, so quickly. He squeezed his eyes shut, poised painfully on the edge of fulfillment. One more moment, all he needed was just one more moment.
He opened his eyes.
Riana straightened, her hips brushing the insides of his thighs.
Even to his own ears, his breathing sounded harsh on the night air. The moon, hung low and huge in the night sky and brighter even than the light from the Punishment Stone, starkly illuminated his body and fell on the delicate strength of Riana's face. She stared back, her expression utterly dispassionate, reminding him forcibly of the precariousness of his position.
She wasn't going to let him come.
She'd bring him to the brink of climax, time and time again, only to ke
ep him there.
Darias lost control.
"Damn you! You can't do this to me. The Punishment is for women, not warriors,” he raged.
A slow smile spread over Riana's face.
Dread filtered through his rage as he realized he'd roared the words. Everyone in the keep was now aware he was being Punished.
Scalding heat crawled up his neck, to his face.
Before he had a chance to recover his control, Riana slid one finger from the top of his buttocks, to the heavy sacs hanging between his legs. She traveled back the same way, just as slowly.
His breath hitched in his chest at the implicit threat in the gentle glide of her finger.
She wouldn't! Not even in Punishment was such a thing allowed. She would not dare ... His mind refused to finish the sentence.
Riana dipped the tip of one finger inside.
She would.
He bucked up against his restraints. Gods, no. Desperate, he struggled to get free, to find the control that used to come so easily to him. He felt her other hand at the bonds securing his thighs. All of a sudden, his hips shot up, escaping her scandalous touch, only to have his cock engulfed by her mouth. The ridges of her teeth raked gently the entire length as she swallowed him. His cock brushed against the back of her throat.
Krel, that felt wonderful. Instinctively, he sank back down so he could pump himself into her mouth and claim the release she was determined to deny him.
Only to be shocked into stillness.
Her finger invaded his ass a little deeper this time.
No, it wasn't proper, he thought, his wits scattering to the night winds at the sensual burning of the intrusion. He tried to find his tongue to tell her so, but it was stuck to the roof of his mouth. Gritting his teeth, he flexed his hips upward. Relief mingled with disappointment when the provocative movement stopped and her finger slipped out. His relief was short-lived when, again, her mouth closed over the head of his cock. Her tongue caressed the ridge running along the underside of his cock.
Darias froze.
Soon the wet heat of her mouth became too much to stand. The need to move, to rock his cock in and out of her lips, became overwhelming. He withdrew.